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The Context report

The idea of the Context report is to provide a possibility for a detailed benchmark analysis. The Context report offers 2 different benchmarks types; the Context in time and the Context in organization.

Context in time

The Context in time graph provides comparisons with the historical results of the report scope itself, both for the main index and for each individual driver. Below is a description of the different elements in the graph (see the picture for number references):

  1. Current result – showing the latest result for the chosen report scope, as well as the change compared to the previous cycle.
  2. Trend – showing the result development over time. Hovering a graph point shows the result for that specific survey cycle. Note that the axis is broken (i.e. not going from 0 – 100) in order to display changes more clearly.
  3. Historical comparison – showing the result in the context of time:
    1. The blue diamond represents the current result for the chosen report scope, and hovering the diamond displays the exact value.
    2. The vertical line represents the historical average for the chosen report scope, and hovering the line displays the exact value. If the blue diamond is further to the right than the vertical line, the current result is better than the historical average.
    3. The axis end points represent the historical minimum and maximum value for the chosen report scope. If the blue diamond is the furthest to the right, the current value is the highest value achieved so far.

Context in organization

The Context in organization graph provides comparisons with other parts of the organization. The graphs will look a bit different depending on the size of the benchmarking unit (i.e. the number of teams in the unit), and the user’s access rights. Below is a description of the different elements in the graph, for the different scenarios (see the pictures for number references).

  1. Current result – showing the latest result for the chosen report scope, as well as the difference compared to the total benchmarking unit.
  2. Result distribution – for smaller benchmark units – showing the result in the context of the organization in the way shown in the first picture below.
    1. The blue diamond represents the current result for the chosen report scope, and hovering the diamond displays the exact value.
    2. The vertical line represents the current result for the total benchmarking unit (e.g. the full department, region etc.). If the blue diamond is further to the right than the vertical line, the current result for the chosen report scope is better than the current result for the total benchmark unit.
    3. The smaller gray diamonds represent the current result for all other teams within the benchmarking unit. The darkness of the gray diamonds represent the number of individual teams having the same result. For users who have access to all results within the benchmark unit, hovering a gray diamond will show which team(s) they represent (by the manager’s name). For users without this access, hovering a gray diamond will only show the number of teams and their exact result.
    4. The axis end points represent the minimum and maximum result for an individual team within the benchmark unit. If the blue diamond is the furthest to the right, the chosen report scope has the highest current result within the benchmark unit.

  1. Result distribution – for larger benchmark units – showing the result in the context of the organization in the way shown in the second picture below.
    1. The blue diamond represents the current result for the chosen report scope, and hovering the diamond displays the exact value.
    2. The gray diamond represents the current result for the total benchmarking unit (e.g. the full department, region etc.). If the blue diamond is further to the right than the gray diamond, the current result for the chosen report scope is better than the current result for the total benchmark unit.
    3. The gray vertical bars represent the current result for all other teams within the benchmarking unit. The height of the bar represent the number of individual teams with the same result. Hovering a bar will show the exact value as well as the number of individual teams with this result.
    4. The axis end points represent the minimum and maximum result for an individual team within the benchmark unit. If the blue diamond is the furthest to the right, the chosen report scope has the highest current result within the benchmark unit.

Updated on June 13, 2024

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